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Welcome to the website of Stratford upon Avon URC.

We are:

  • a small community with a big heart; everyone is welcome at our services and our social and fundraising events.

  • a town-centre church and believe in serving our community, aspiring to walk the way of Jesus and showing the love of God to everybody we meet, especially those less fortunate in our society.

The Church is guided by a team of Elders and the Local Leader is Peter Horrocks.

Worship is led by Peter Horrocks, visiting ministers or the Elders and we enjoy this diversity of ministry.

We would love you to come and join our vision for the future in Stratford upon Avon!  


We hope you will find the information you require here. You will, of course, be equally welcome if you come to the church itself.

The United Reformed Church is a national church of the Reformed tradition. It was formed in 1972 by the coming together of the Congregational Church, the Presbyterian Church and the Churches of Christ.

Stratford upon Avon URC Church
Stratford upon Avon URC Services

Our Mission

Worship, Witness and Love for others, through Jesus Christ


16th February 9.30am

Morning Service

Peter Horrocks

2nd March 9.30am

Holy Communion

Peter Horrocks


You can join us for an act of worship by clicking on one of the links below.




These are changed from time to time but not necessarily every week.

Queen Elizabeth II Quotations

Click here to see the booklet 

Bronze Eco Church Award!

Friday Coffee Mornings
Fridays 9.30 -11.30 Covid safety measures are    in place. 

Stratford upon Avon URC Activities

Church activities

  • Weekly coffee mornings

  • Monthly lunch club

  • Lent Organ recitals

  • Concerts and Choirs

  • Fundraising and social events

Charity image 2024-5.GIF

Embrace The Middle East

As a Christian development charity, we partner with Christians in the Middle East as they work to transform lives and restore the dignity of the most excluded and marginalised communities. Where there is a need – for refuge, a home, for health care, for education, for justice and human rights – we, with our partners, respond. Our goal is to contribute to a culture of human flourishing in a troubled region.

Ours is a vision of love in action. It is rooted in, and inspired by, Christ’s invitation to care for those most in need.


We have a large flexible space which can be used for various activities e.g. theatre and music rehearsals, meeting space and as a pop-up charity shop venue.


For further information, please contact Ann Jones.

Tel : 01789 266 177 

Email :

Upcoming events

Where to find us

Who to contact


Dr. Peter Horrocks

Tel:     01789 750 971



Mairi MacDonald

Tel:      07702 862042



Ann Jones

Tel:      01789 266 177  or 07580 557163



The United Reformed Church (URC) is committed to safeguarding in every area of its life and ministry.  Safeguarding is the action taken to propmote and protect the well-being and human rights of individuals.

This means we will:

  • Do all we can to create and maintain a safe and caring environment for all people.

  • Respond promptly and effectively to any form of abuse and neglect, including reporting abuse to statutory agencies when necessary.

  • Seek to provent abuse in any form from occurring.  We will seek to identify individuals who may pose a risk to others and take necessary actions to minimise risk whilst supporting these individuals  in our communities when safe to do so.

If you wish to discuss a safeguarding concern, please contact:

Mrs Kirsty Knott 07730185933  Church Safeguarding Coordinator or

Donna Gordon  0121 783 1177  Synod Safeguarding Officer

To view our safeguarding policy please click here.

To view Good Practice 6, the URC's Safeguarding Guidance document please click here.

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